Attendance Range

For most of our educational materials, we ask for your attendance range.  What do we mean and why do we ask?  Here’s more information about that!

What do you mean by “attendance range”?

By “attendance range” we are referring to the estimated, average number of participants in the faith formation ministry in which the product will be used (e.g. Sunday school, youth group, confirmation program, Wednesday education hour, worship service).  For example, if you are ordering our Living the Word: Kids (PK-2nd) curriculum, you would estimate how many students will be using the curriculum, totaling the attendance of all classes into a single attendance number, whether you have 3 classes of each grade or 1 class of only 1st graders.

Why do you ask for attendance range?
In order to make our products accessible to smaller congregations, pricing for our curriculum resources is based on the estimated, average number of participants. However, we cannot continue our ministry if we only sold at those pricing levels, so the pricing increases as the attendance increases.

So, what if we have a 2nd-3rd grade class and want to use the PK-2nd curriculum for the whole class (for example)? 

The grade levels listed on applicable products are there to give you an idea of the developmental levels targeted by that resource. You may use the products you order however works best for you, we just ask that you order for the attendance of all participants.

What if I have any questions?

If you have any questions, please contact us using the web form on our Contact Us page or call us using the phone number listed there under “Mailing Address.” The publisher would love to speak to you and answer all of your questions!