Forming Faith Blog

Yearly Archives: 2022

Ableism and Healing (John 9)

Date: February 27, 2022 Bible Reading: John 9:1-41 Free Resource: Healing Water (Cross+Gen Education, NL) Unit Theme (January 23—February 27): Invitation to Abundant Life The Point: Jesus draws us into relationship even through our brokenness and disbelief. What is ableism … Continue reading

2022-2023 NL and RCL Product Launch

I am very excited to announce that our 2022-2023 faith formation resources are ready to purchase! The fall lessons (or the equivalent for that product) for the Narrative Lectionary products are available for immediate download with the Revised Common Lectionary … Continue reading

Nourishment Forever (John 6)

Date: February 13, 2022 Bible Reading: John 6:35-59 Free Resource: The Bread of Life (2 activities from Learning Together: The I AM Statements) Unit Theme (January 23—February 27): Invitation to Abundant Life The Point: Jesus promises eternal life to those … Continue reading

More than Our Differences (John 4:1-42)

Date: January 30, 2022 Bible Reading: John 4:1-42 Free Resource: Refreshing Water (Family- NL) Unit Theme (January 23—February 27): Invitation to Abundant Life The Point: Even outsiders have access to God’s abundant grace through Jesus Christ. We notice our differences, … Continue reading