Forming Faith Blog

A Struggle to Understand (Mark 4)

When most teachers use stories, it’s to help others understand what they are trying to explain. But Jesus states that he uses parables so that people won’t understand. Why?

A man holding his hand to his ear, listening. In his parables, Jesus calls us to listen to difficult teachings but not understand.

We are now in the season of Epiphany, a time when God appears to us in the person (and stories) of Jesus. Previously in the Gospel of Mark, we see God in John’s announcement and Jesus’ baptism, temptation, proclamation, and call. Even an unclean spirit sees who Jesus really was. Jesus’ authority from God shines through in healing and the forgiveness of sins. He demonstrates God’s love for those who are outside of “polite society” by touching a man suffering from leprosy and eating with known sinners and Roman collaborators. Jesus reveals God, but not necessarily how people expect him to.

The Purpose of Parables

Within this passage, and the equivalent passages in Matthew and Luke, what strikes me first is not the parables themselves, but Jesus’ explanation of why he teaches in parables. When you teach (or preach) you might use stories or anecdotes. Why? Because stories make it easier for our listeners to relate to our subject, to understand it. You take a situation or object that is familiar and use it to paint a picture of something deeper, more profound.

So, when Jesus’ disciples ask him about the parables, his response is perplexing, if not shocking. He is using parables, not to clarify his teachings, but to make them more obscure. He quotes Isaiah 6:9-10, explaining that he teaches in parables:

“In order that ‘they may indeed look, but not perceive, and may indeed listen, but not understand; so that they may not turn again and be forgiven.’”

Mark 4:12
Exclusive Understanding?

Jesus’ teaching is not an evangelism technique. While the healings, table fellowship, and casting out of demons previously described in the Gospel are available to “outsiders,” Jesus’ teaching is not only for “insiders,” but purposely obscure to prevent outsiders from being forgiven? That doesn’t sound like the Jesus we normally proclaim. The original setting of the quote in Isaiah is not to separate insiders and outsiders but to proclaim judgment on the people of Israel soon to be punished with exile. Even so, Isaiah’s usage is still difficult to understand.

Difficult Passages

This portion of the reading (Mark 4:11-12) is what I refer to as a difficult passage (I know, clever name). I divide “difficult passages” into two categories: those that are difficult to understand and those that are difficult to accept. We can tackle those that are difficult to understand with research. Often, we are missing something in the cultural context or original language. As verses 11-12 explain, parables can be in this category.

Those that we have a hard time accepting, like the reports of God-sanctioned, wholesale slaughter of non-combatants in the conquest of Canaan (or just the conquest of Canaan) are, well, harder. Research can help partly, but the rest of the work is theological wrestling.

Addressing the Difficult

So, as teachers and preachers, what do we do when encountering difficult passages like verses 11-12? There are two main options. In this Narrative Lectionary reading, the easiest is to just pass over it. Within these 34 verses are four parables, and only one of them is explained. The second option is to address this head-on. Often, as listeners, our attention can be caught by what we find difficult to grasp. Passing over this leaves those listeners wrestling alone, often without the training or resources to wrestle fruitfully. I have even found that admitting that something is difficult and that I struggle with it can be freeing to some. (People sometimes think that as a seminary graduate, I understand the Bible completely. Little do they know.)

Context Is (Almost) Everything

How do you decide what to do? As usual, my response is to know your context. Are you teaching second graders? Please skip the difficult passage. Your students do not have the cognitive ability to wrestle in the same way as adults. Are you leading a youth group discussion? You should probably focus on the parables here but addressing the difficulties can be productive. The same goes for preaching or teaching to an intergenerational group. Are you leading a small group discussion with veteran Bible-studiers? Take them to the next level and wrestle on!

As you teach, preach, learn, and wrestle, may you see the face of God this Epiphany season!

In Christ,

Gregory Rawn (Publisher)

Free Resources

During the main Narrative Lectionary year (this year: September 10 to May 19), we provide a free resource download from one of our products to help you in your faith formation ministry. This week, download the Weekly Devotional Resource from our Living the Word: Sharing God’s Story @ Home (NL) resource.  

This is a revision of a blog post originally published for January 19, 2020.

Order Faith Formation Resources

You made it through Christmas! But have you ordered faith formation resource for the winter? Purchase and immediately download the Winter quarter for the Narrative Lectionary, the Revised Common Lectionary, or even classic Sunday school Classroom curriculum for PK-2nd and 3rd-6th (check our blog post for a special discount)? Our faith formation resources are easy-to-use, theologically sound, and effective.

Looking for a resource for intergenerational events, a whole-church series, or even something new for Sunday school? Check out our Learning Together series! These five-lesson units are available on six different topics, one of which is FREE! The other five are quite affordable with variable pricing starting at $25 for a program with 1-10 participants. Perfect for children’s and intergenerational ministries, family or churchwide events, and even a whole-church Epiphany or Lenten series. A new unit will be announced soon! Follow us on Facebook, subscribe to our e-newsletter or blog to be the first to know.

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