Forming Faith Blog

A Permanent House (2 Samuel 7)

David wanted to create a permanent house for God in Jerusalem, but God was fine in a tent. It is God’s promises that are permanent.

A large, luxurious house. David wanted to build a permanent home for God.
From Judges to Kings

A major political shift took place during the ministry of Samuel, son of Hannah. The people of Israel were jealous of the neighboring nations for having kings, not the temporary judges God (their true king) appointed for them. So, they demanded that God give them a human king. After warning them that this was a bad idea, God relented and called on Samuel to anoint Saul as king. That didn’t work out well, so God sent Samuel to anoint David as king—while Saul was still king. Awkward.

As of 2 Samuel 7, David had been king and a successful military leader for some time. He captured Jerusalem and turned it into his capital city, with fancy buildings and everything. Things were going well.

A Transitory Tabernacle

A thought occurred to David, probably while he was appreciating how nice his palace was. He has such a beautiful house, and God still dwells among the people in a tent. He decided that he needed to change that. Perhaps his motives were completely pure: he wanted to honor God. Perhaps his motives were political: he wanted Jerusalem—the City of David—to be both the political and religious center of the nation. As with most humans, his motives were probably mixed. Regardless of his motives, he wanted God to settle down (near him).

The word “house” appears in 2 Samuel 7:1-17 seven times, signifying a theme. David notes that he has a house (palace). He implies that God should have a house (temple). God challenges David for suggesting the idea of a house for God without God’s command or instructions. Then God promises a house (dynasty) for David and his descendants.

Transient versus Permanent

David could be looking at a contrast of style. God is currently dwelling in relative simplicity—perhaps even seen as poverty. After all, who would live in a tent when houses are nearby? David thinks God should have a place with more “wow” factor. But God’s response to David hints that another contrast is in focus: transience versus permanence. God specifically designed the tabernacle as a sacred space that the people could take down, pack up, and carry to a new location. As the people of God were on the move, so was God. God was not tied to a physical location.

In David’s time, the people of Israel no longer lived in tents; they had settled down and built houses. He had a house, a palace. David wasn’t going anywhere. David didn’t want God to be able to move away. He wanted God to stay in one place. He valued permanence over transience.

Is a Tent a Home?

In our modern societies, we also value permanence over transience. Part of reaching maturity involves “settling down” and “putting down roots” (socioeconomic challenges notwithstanding). On the other hand, you probably wouldn’t like to be called (or be) a transient, often a way to refer to a person experiencing homelessness. Aside from the main, critical point that homelessness is the terrible result of injustice in our society, we also see prejudice against “transients” in our laws and society. Even nomadic cultures are often seen as “primitive.” To vastly oversimplify, we often see transience as immature, primitive, or otherwise negative. Permanence is mature, modern, and positive. We agree with David.

God’s response begins with a defense of the transient tabernacle. There’s nothing wrong with it. God could have commanded the people to build God a house at any time (including in this story). God didn’t. It wasn’t important and it wasn’t the right time. A tent was all the home God needed.

A Permanent Promise

God did, however, make a permanent promise. In God’s own time (which was the next generation), a temple will be built. God will “put down roots” in one place. And God promises that it will be a descendant of David who will build it. More importantly, God promises to be in relationship with David’s descendants, make them a royal lineage, and therefore be permanently connected to the people of Israel.

A Home in Exile

It is significant here to remember that this story was written down by and for God’s people who were living in exile in Babylon, far from home. The “permanent” dwelling place of God had been destroyed. They were far from God’s city and God’s land. Was God even still present with the people? Yes. God’s presence never left the people. God is not tied to geography. God’s tent traveled with the people before, and God traveled with the people in exile.

God is permanent. God’s promises are permanent. Everything else is ultimately transitory.

In God’s permanent love,

Gregory Rawn (Publisher)

This post is adapted from one originally written for October 25, 2020.

Free Resource

During the main Narrative Lectionary year (this year: September 8 to June 8), we provide a free resource download from one of our products to help you in your faith formation ministry. This week, download the activity “Home Sweet Home” from our Living the Word: Cross+Gen Worship (NL) curriculum, though this activity can be easily adapted for intergenerational classes, older students, youth, and adults!

Order Faith Formation Resources

It’s not too late to order for the 2024-2025 program year! Narrative Lectionary, Revised Common Lectionary, Classic Sunday School, and more. Products are available for immediate download. If you don’t have much time for children’s Christian education, then check out our Kids Mini Lessons for the NL and RCL.

Are you still looking for shorter resources to launch the program year, family/intergenerational events, or Sunday school? Check out our Learning Together series, a set of five-lesson units on a variety of topics. You can read outside reviews on both our newest Do Justice and Created to Care units! Our faith formation resources are easy to use, theologically sound, and inclusive.

Introducing our newest Learning Together unit: Created to Care! Wonder at God’s creation and learn about what we can do to protect and heal it in these five lessons, intended for children and intergenerational groups, family or churchwide events, or Vacation Bible School. This curriculum is published in collaboration with BibleWorm, a weekly Narrative Lectionary podcast, to accompany their summer series on Creation Care.

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