Forming Faith Blog

Tag Archives: Inclusion

2024-2025 VBS and Sunday School!

Care for Creation VBS (and More) I am very excited to announce a NEW product for both elementary-age and intergenerational ministry: Learning Together: Created to Care! Learning Together is a series of five-lesson units on a variety of topics (seven … Continue reading

Inclusive Holiday Programs

Tips on how to create neurodivergent-friendly holiday programming. Holiday programs are fun for many, but they are not always experiences the whole congregation can enjoy. Learn simple ways to adapt that programming to support the inclusion of neurodivergent congregation members. … Continue reading

Core Value: Inclusivity Is the Goal

Our third core value at Spirit & Truth Publishing is inclusivity. Essential to God’s unconditional love is the inclusion of all people, especially those who have been traditionally excluded. Why We’re Here At Spirit & Truth Publishing, our purpose is … Continue reading