- Date: September 22, 2024
- Bible Readings: Genesis 37:3-8, 17b-22, 26-34; 50:15-21
- The Point: Even when we hurt each other, God can turn our work towards good.
- Free Resource: Family Ties (Cross+Gen Education, NL)
- Unit Theme (September 8—October 20): Promises Made, Promises Broken
Stories have the power to form us, so we need to take the time to tell others the biblical stories like that of Joseph.
The Power of Storytelling
Last week, God promised the aging Abram (and Sarai) a son and a great lineage. That promise was fulfilled with the birth of Isaac (Genesis 21:1-7). Isaac and Rebekah had Jacob (and Esau), and Jacob—renamed Israel—had twelve sons and one daughter. This week, we focus on Jacob’s son Joseph and his brothers. But this—the story of Joseph—is more than a continuation of the origin story. It is bigger, more detailed, and (in my opinion) better. But I might be biased because I love this story.
A focus on storytelling is the key to the Narrative Lectionary (thus the “narrative” part). Stories are powerful. Whether factual or fantasy, stories shape us and even our brains. While it is useful to mine biblical stories for a list of what they teach us (doctrines), it can also defeat the purpose, as stories help us to remember facts, possibly 20 times more likely. Sometimes, we need to just let a story stay a story. Stories form us, so those of us in faith formation need to learn to tell, and listen to, stories.
A Foolish Dreamer
Once upon a time in ancient Canaan, there was a seventeen-year-old boy, Joseph. He was one of 12 sons. His father made it obvious that Joseph was the favorite, either not knowing or not caring how this might make the rest of the family feel. And Joseph was completely oblivious. He didn’t seem to notice that he was privileged, that his brothers were being treated worse than he was, and they hated him for it.
Then, he had two dreams, prophetic dreams. Perhaps Joseph didn’t know what the dreams meant. Perhaps he did. But he shared them with his family, and they didn’t have any trouble interpreting their meaning. Joseph’s brothers—who already hated him—were going to bow down to him? Is anyone surprised that Joseph’s brothers hated him even more afterward?
The Cycle: Blessings and Sufferings
This situation was the beginning of a pattern that would last the rest of the story. Things would be going great for Joseph and then there was a drop and things would suck. Let’s look at this pattern:
- Joseph is daddy’s favorite, but he was almost killed and then sold into slavery (Genesis 37:1-36).
- Joseph becomes his owner’s favorite, but his owner’s wife accuses him of rape, so he is sent to prison (Genesis 39:1-20).
- Joseph became the prison warden’s favorite, but he remained in prison for years (Genesis 39:21–40:23).
- Joseph becomes the Pharaoh’s favorite. The story ends here without a fall, but we know that all of Israel falls into slavery after this (Genesis 41:1–47:26).
Dreams and Dreamers
Along with this cycle, there are many other threads that weave through this story. Dreams and their interpretation set the drama going. Dreams and their interpretation eventually get Joseph out of prison and begin his sudden rise to almost-absolute power. But Joseph himself emphasizes that the dreams and their interpretations come from God, and the writer emphasizes at the beginning that “the LORD was with Joseph.” Joseph was the protagonist in this story, but God was the primary actor.
Setting up for Exodus
The whole Book of Genesis is a lead-up to the defining story of the people of Israel: the exodus from Egypt. It answers the question: where did we (the people of Israel) come from? The story of Joseph is the climax of this. God’s dramatic actions bring the nascent people to Egypt, just as God will bring the maturing people out of Egypt and back to the land they came from.
But as I was reading the story through this time, I noticed another—darker—detail that sets up the exodus. It was Joseph who put the people of Egypt into slavery (Genesis 47:20-21), taking their money, possessions, property, and ultimately their bodies in exchange for food during the famine [food that the people likely grew in the first place]. Is this related to the enslavement of these “foreigners”?
Faith Formation
My advice for this week, in terms of faith formation, is to simply tell the story. Tell it in the most entertaining way you can. The passages that the Narrative Lectionary assigns focus on the sin of Joseph’s brothers and Joseph’s forgiveness of them in the end. That provides a shorter, simpler story to tell. However, if it’s appropriate to your context, tell the whole story, from Genesis 37 through 50 (except chapter 38 which is about Judah and Tamar. You can also leave out the story of Joseph and Potiphar’s wife, which is the only other portion of the Joseph story in the four-year Narrative Lectionary).
Plenty of people would disagree, but I think this is the week to skip the sermon, or, rather, use the sermon to tell the story.
In God’s love,
Gregory Rawn (Publisher)
Free Resource
During the main Narrative Lectionary year (this year: September 8 to June 8), we provide a free resource download from one of our products to help you in your faith formation ministry. This week, download the activity “Family Ties” from our Living the Word: Cross+Gen Education (NL) curriculum!
Note: This post is adapted from one written for 9/27/2020.
Order Faith Formation Resources
It’s not too late to order for the 2024-2025 program year! Narrative Lectionary, Revised Common Lectionary, Classic Sunday School, and more. Products are available for immediate download. If you don’t have much time for children’s Christian education, then check out our Kids Mini Lessons for the NL and RCL.
Are you still looking for shorter resources to launch the program year, family/intergenerational events, or Sunday school? Check out our Learning Together series, a set of five-lesson units on a variety of topics. You can read outside reviews on both our newest Do Justice and Created to Care units! Our faith formation resources are easy to use, theologically sound, and inclusive.
Introducing our newest Learning Together unit: Created to Care! Wonder at God’s creation and learn about what we can do to protect and heal it in these five lessons, intended for children and intergenerational groups, family or churchwide events, or Vacation Bible School. This curriculum is published in collaboration with BibleWorm, a weekly Narrative Lectionary podcast, to accompany their summer series on Creation Care.
At Spirit & Truth Publishing, we might have exactly what you are looking for:
- Resources for the Narrative Lectionary (2024-2025): Products for all ages (with NEW mini lessons, if you only have a short time for elementary faith formation).
- Classic Sunday School Curriculum: Key Bible stories for PK-2nd and 3rd-6th, also great for your Christian elementary school!
- Learning Together: Five-lesson, topical units for VBS, Sunday school, children, and intergenerational classes.
- Cross+Generational Confirmation
- Resources for the Revised Common Lectionary (2024-2025): Intergenerational classroom, mini lessons for children.
- Worship and Liturgy Education
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